On Tue, 24 May 2005, wolverian wrote:

On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 03:44:43PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
But I like the newly suggested "feather" better, as it can relate to
pugs AND parrot.

Feather is best one thus far, I think. I like carrot too; it's more
playful. I equate Pugs with fun a lot.

Hmmm, but has 'carrot' anything to do with perl6 & C any more, well, apart

  s/p(?=arrot)/c;  # obviously

(BTW: how would that be in p6?)

Also, while I'm not fond of the vast majority of vegetables, I like onions as an ingredient of many other good meals ('meal' is not the correct English word for what I mean, but the correct term eludes me ATM). But can you say the same thing of carrots?!?

I once heard someone say, the sum of the reciprocals of the known primes is less than 4 - and it will always be.
- Gerry Myerson in sci.math, "Re: Summation of Reciprocals of Primes"

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