Juerd wrote:
Thomas Sandlass skribis 2005-05-28 17:34 (+0200):
I propose %hash = { key => :\$variable, foo => 'bar' };

:\$variable looks like many things to me, but not an alias.

Let's forget that idea, because I have a bunch of better ones!

$hash = { key => \      $variable but rw  , foo => 'bar' };
$hash = { key => \  :rw $variable         , foo => 'bar' };
$hash = { key => ref:rw $variable         , foo => 'bar' };

They are all assuming that &prefix:<\> has named params
that determine its behaviour by means of adverbial modifiers.
Well or that a rw role can be composed into a reference to
force binding behaviour. BTW, but is lower in precedence than \,
isn't it?
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

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