On 6/13/05, Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since it might not have been clear from my earlier post -- I've
> now committed the S17 framework draft into the repository.  Thanks.

I am now questioning using "Perl6 Timeline By Apocolypse" as reference
material.  I am rather interested in seeing the specs for pack/unpack
so I went about finding where it should go:

There are 2 RFCs listed for A09 for pack/unpack
142 Enhanced Pack/Unpack
247 pack/unpack C-like enhancements

There is an RFC for A13 regarding distinguishing packed data
258 Distinguish packed data from printable strings

The rest of the RFCs for pack/unpack fall into A29
246 pack/unpack uncontrovercial enhancements
248 enhanced groups in pack/unpack
249 Use pack/unpack for marshalling
250 hooks in pack/unpack

Now S09 and S13 have already been written but do not include the
details regarding pack/unpack.

The patch to S29 is obvious - just add a heading for pack/unpack and
hope someone fills in the blanks.

The patch for S13 is more difficult since I don't believe it warrants
a full heading.  Probably just needs a guess as to how to expose the
flag to return a bool value i.e. $string.packed, comment about the
'packed' warnings/strictures pragma, and stick it the "right" place.

The patch to S09 has me stumped.

Is there any other reference material I can use to put together solid
frameworks that are closely representative to what @larry might

> Pm

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. L~R

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