At 7:52 AM -0400 6/18/05, John Siracusa wrote:
That actually looks more "private" to me.  Let's line 'em up again:

    ----------  ----------
    ./method()  .:method()
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]()  .:method()
    .>method()  .:method()
    .:method()  .>method()
    .:method()  .::method()

I'm just trying to get some more suggestions out there "on paper," because
it seemed to me that the old thread jumped from ^ to ./ with less
exploration than I'd like.

As I recall, it was decided for a broad scope that public and private item invocation syntax was exactly the same but with the consideration that all private items have a ':' as the first character in their otherwise alphanumeric names (the ':' looks like part of an operator but it isn't).

That seems to be getting ignored in this discussion, and I *like* that ':' public vs private consistency, so here's an alteration to your table:

    ----------  ----------
    ./method()  ./:method()
    [EMAIL PROTECTED]()  .@:method()
    .>method()  .>:method()

This looks way more consistent and predictable to me.

-- Darren Duncan

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