
I'm still interested in, why "alias" wouldn't be a native Perl 6 term?

I think, there are several reasons for "alias":

- in natural languages, synonims are very often - alias is a synonim
- in Perl 6, currently there's no way to create a reference to a
  variable, _with the context of the variable_, too (binding just give
  me possibility to bind a variable into another, but the new variable
  won't be automatically have the same context, as the binded one)

Some new examples, maybe better than before:

sub kilobytes ($value:) is export {
        return $value*1024;
alias kilobytes, kilobyte;

So both routines will be an exported one. You can use this code then:

  say 1.kilobyte;
  say 2.kilobytes;


BÁRTHÁZI András wrote:

You can always write a macro that does that.
[...] That won't work on a method name anyway unless you do it in the
dispatch class.
You'll have to write your own macro if you want to do that.

As I understood, you wrote down, how I can workaround it with macros, and why it wouldn't work well. As I see, there's no a nice solution to alias a method or a sub, even with macros.

But you didn't wrote, why are you against the 'alias'?


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