
(asking because a test testing for the converse was just checked in to
the Pugs repository [1])

    sub foo ($n, *%rest) {...}

    foo 13;
    # $n receives 13, of course, %rest is ()

    foo 13, foo => "bar";
    # $n receives 13 again, %rest is (foo => "bar")

    foo n => 13;
    # $n receives 13, %rest is (), right?

    foo n => 13, foo => "bar";
    # $n receives 13, %rest is (foo => "bar"), right?


[1] http://svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/t/subroutines/slurpy_param.t 

Linux, the choice of a GNU | Row, row, row your bits, gently down the
generation on a dual AMD   | stream...  
Athlon!                    | 

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