On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 05:26:32PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Michele Dondi skribis 2005-10-25 17:17 (+0200):
: > Hmmm... maybe you're right that $__ is too huffmanized (and hence 
: > confusing) but $OUTER::_ is somewhat too few...
:     for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
:         eval qq[
:             macro prefix:<\$_$n> { "\${ "OUTER::" x $n }_" }
:         ];
:     }

That can't work as is.  A macro's syntactic effect is always limited to
a particular lexical scope, which is by default the lexical scope
of the declaration.  You'll need to find some way of installing it
into the currently compiling lexical scope, which is going to resemble
something more like:

    BEGIN {
        for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
            COMPILING::{"&term:<\$_$n>"} := macro { "\${ "OUTER::" x $n }_" };

Also, $_ has to be a term, not a prefix, or the next thing will
be expected to be a term rather than an operator.  But probably
it shouldn't be a macro anyway, since you could just alias $_1 to
$OUTER::_ etc. directly:

    BEGIN {
        for (1..9) -> $n {  # ought to be more than enough
            COMPILING::{"\$_$n"} := COMPILING::("OUTER::" x $n)::<$_>;

maybe with something to catch the case of too many OUTERs.


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