The Perl 6 summary for the week ending 2006-01-01
    Another year, another summary. You might think I'm going to summarize
    the events of the whole year, but it turns out that chromatic's already
    done it. So in the spirit of laziness, I'll just point you at his year
    end summary.


    Sadly for us all, he doesn't go into enough detail on the events of the
    last week for me to go straight into the coda. I shall have to talk to
    him about next year.

    This week sees a big non-technical change in the Pugs camp, lots of
    roadmapping and implementation in the Parrot camp, and a more and more
    concrete feel of what the language is going to look like in the
    perl6-language camp.

    Pretty much business as usual really.

This week in perl6-compiler
  Runtime typecasting
    Autrijus Tang is now Audrey Tang. Read her explanation on her blog.
    Speaking personally I'm delighted that she's found the courage to make
    the change and wish her the best of luck and happiness in her new/true


  Pugs on Cygwin
    There was a fair amount of discussion on getting pugs and parrot running
    in the Cygwin environment this week. Last time I looked, things were
    working again.


  This week's Pugs developments
    Audrey's taken to summarizing pugs developments on her blog and to
    posting digests of these posts on the list. She wrote about PIL and
    Rules this week.

    <> -- Pugs-PIL developments

    <> -- Pugs-Rule developments

    <> -- Pugs-Rule: Grammar support

Meanwhile, in perl6-internals
  Threading PDD?
    Patrick Michaud suggested, after a question from Klaas-Jan Stol, that it
    might be a good idea to create a placeholder Threading PDD (Parrot
    Design Document) noting that threading hasn't been specced yet and that
    a draft would be welcomed. Warnock applies.


  Pugs is the official Perl 6?
    Or am I putting words into Luke's mouth? Read, then decide.


  .imc or .pir? There can only be one
    As part of the great Parrot reorganization, Chip declared that the IMC
    vs PIR ambiguity had to be resolved. As he put it:

    IMC vs. PIR

    Two names enter

    One name leaves

    The name that left was PIR, any files you find with .imc extensions
    should be cruelly laughed at while you kick sand in their faces.


  Dynamic binding patch
    Bob Rogers offered up a patch to implement dynamic binding of globals
    for the list's consideration. Leo thought the patch was mostly sound,
    but that the whole dynamic binding thing needed more thought and
    infrastructure. Which is probably a broad hint to Chip and possibly
    @Larry (said hint hasn't been taken yet though, well, not in public).


  Smoke testing
    Leo pointed everyone at the Perl Image Testing Architecture, which has
    possibly the coolest acronym of any Perl project in recent years. He
    thought it would be useful to use for additional Parrot platform testing
    as well.



  Lots and lots of TODOs
    I'm not going to enumerate them here, but Will Coleda, Matt Diephouse
    and others have been adding loads of TODO entries to the Parrot
    bugtracker. Which is nice.

  IMCC optimizer instruction duplication and opcode write/reads
    Amos Robinson wanted to know how to go about duplicating instructions
    and wondered about the correct semantics of in/out/inout arguments. Leo
    came through with the answers.


Meanwhile in perl6-language
  Iterating over complex structures
    Rob Kinyon applied the 'What does Ruby do?' pattern to the problem of
    iterating over complex structures. Mostly it looks good, but I'm hoping
    that someone else considers applying the 'What does Smalltalk do?'
    pattern as well. Subject to tuit supply, I might even do that myself.


  Match objects
    "Who is Match, and to what does he object?"

    Sorry. Couldn't resist.

    Patrick and Luke discussed the behaviour of match objects.

  (Array) introspection
    Ilmari Vacklin wondered about how to introspect on the structure of
    arrays and other data structures. Warnock applies.


  Array/list transformations
    Rob Kinyon pointed out the difficulties of dealing with binding array
    slices and other such goodies. Larry thought it wasn't really that
    difficult (from the point of view of the perl programmer, things might
    be different for the implementers)


  Relationship between slurpy parameters
    Austin Frank wondered about the different uses of "prefix:<*>" in
    parameter lists and elsewhere. Stuart Cook had answers. Piers Cawley
    worried about the current behaviour of "prefix:<*>" in parameter lists
    and about how eager its flattening should be.


  Building the documentation that will ship with Perl 6 and Pugs
    Andrew Savige outlined some off the issues that need addressing as we
    move towards releasing a properly documented Pugs, and the Perl 6. After
    outlining issues, he called for volunteers. Nobody commented on the list
    (yet), but I hope people will be taking up the challenge.


  $/ and $! should be "env"
    Luke proposed that we change $! and $/ into "env" variables. Because
    almost nobody understands what an env variable is (your summarizer had
    never even heard of 'em -- I think I may have to do some serious
    synopsis rereading and soon) Luke explained what they were and why they
    should be used in this case. The usual Sunday Warnocking applies --
    expect more detail next week.


  Rules should be independent of evaluation strategy
    Luke talked about an idea for implementing different parsing engines
    that use Perl rules but without necessarily doing recursive descent
    style parsing. Nicholas Clark pointed out a typo, but the basic thrust
    of the article remains in Sunday Warnock land.


Acknowledgements, apologies and everything else
    Happy new year everyone. I've just opened up a 4th annual subdirectory
    in my summaries directory. I had hoped we'd have the real Perl 6 by now,
    but these things take the time they need I guess. Things are looking
    good for the future though. Here's hoping that Audrey and the other pugs
    people keep up their phenomenal rate of development.

    I hope that, from next week you'll be able to find Matt's summaries in
    the same place as mine, <>.

  Help Chip
    <> -- Chip still needs help.

  The usual coda
    If you find these summaries useful or enjoyable, please consider
    contributing to the Perl Foundation to help support the development of

    <> -- The Perl Foundation

    The Perl Foundation Blog is an excellent source of news about the Perl
    Foundation's activities.


    Planet Perl Six is a handy news aggregator of several Perl 6 related


    <> -- Perl 6 Development site

    Check out my website, it's lovely.


    Vaguely pretty photos by me can be found at:


Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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