On Tuesday 07 February 2006 14:17, Yuval Kogman wrote:

> If we have more steps and clearer milestones for whatever is between
> parrot and the syntax/feature level design implementation will be
> easier.

Parrot has had such milestones for well over a year.

> De-facto we have people running PIL on javascript.
> It works more than parrot does.

No, it works *differently* from Parrot, just as an LR parser works differently 
from an LR parser.

Don't make the mistake of thinking "Wow, it took Parrot X months to get a 
working PGE, while the Pugs version only took Y weeks", especially because 
the Pugs version had the benefit of looking at *already designed, debugged, 
and tested* Parrot code.

> The design of Perl 6 itself should be agnostic to where people are 
> developing backends IRL. 

That's a nice goal in the sense of diversity, but I remain unconvinced of its 
utility in speeding up the implementation.  Every abstraction comes at a 
price.  The recent velocity of Pugs toward the goal of running on N multiple 
backends rather than one backend seems to argue that education is still 
cheaper than ignorance.

-- c

PS - Yes, that *is* a Greek-English pun.  Language interoperability is a good 

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