At 21:30 +0100 2/8/06, Juerd wrote:
>Larry Wall skribis 2006-02-08  8:38 (-0800):
> > It would be nice to have other data points

In the Macintosh world:

1)  say is a reserved word in AppleScript that sends text to a speaker (with 
windings and a cone).

2) We are forever mucking with $/ and $\ set to different values. One for 
reading someone else's file and the other for writing something the Macintosh 
way. (It's better in OS neXt.)

And everywhere:

3) There are two more 16 bit line ends in unicode that may or may not ever be 
really used.

Applescript syntax is like English spelling:
Roughly, but not thoroughly, thought through.

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