Juerd wrote:

Audrey cleverly suggested that changing the second character would also
work, and that has many more glyphs available. So she came up with

and propose ".:" as a solution

    $fooz. :foo();
    $foo.  :foo();

This would make the enormous semantic difference between:

       foo. :bar()


       foo  :bar()

depend on a visual difference of about four pixels. :-(

We've strived to eliminate homonyms from Perl 6. I'd much rather not introduce one at this late stage.

For similar reasons, I'm strongly opposed to:

      foo. ?bar()
      foo. +bar()
      foo. *bar()

since they're highly misleading if you happen to miss the dot.


PS: While I can understand the appeal to laziness, I'm not at all convinced
    by the argument:

    > And it's a lot of work (many, many keystrokes!)
    > to go back and change something.

    In vim, the exact number of keystrokes to realign the long dots of N lines
    is 7+N. And, if I found myself doing that regularly, I'd turn it into a
    macro and bind it to a key, so the number of keystrokes would be one.

    We need to be careful not to require the language to solve problems that
    are better solved with tools.

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