Dave Whipp wrote:
Smylers wrote:
>>use strict;
> That's different: it's _you_ that's forbidding things that are otherwise
> legal in your code; you can choose whether to do it or not.

Which suggests that the people wanting to specify the restrictions are
actually asking for a way to specify additional strictures for users of
their modules, which are still controlled by /[use|no] strict/. While it
is true that any module is free to implement its c<import> method to
allow its users to specify a level of strictness, it would be nice to
abstract this type of thing into the "use strict" mechanism.

Before we start talking about how such a thing might be implemented,
I'd like to see a solid argument in favor of implementing it at all.
What benefit can be derived by letting a module specify additional
strictures for its users?  Ditto for a role placing restrictions on
the classes that do it.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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