On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 10:49:11PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: [EMAIL PROTECTED] skribis 2006-10-09  0:22 (-0700):
: > P5's s[pat][repl] syntax is dead, now use s[pat] = "repl"
: Why keep the s?

Because @Larry felt it was better to keep the intent out in front.

: substr works perfectly as both rvalue and lvalue, and I think m[], also
: known as //, can do the same. No need to do things based on delimiter
: (bracket versus non-bracket), then.
: > +     s[pattern] = doit()
:     m[pattern] = doit();
:     /pattern/ = doit();

We thought about that, but the intent is obscured.

: > +     $str.subst(/pat/, "replacement");
: > +     $str.subst(/pat/, {"replacement"});
: > +     $str.=subst(/pat/, "replacement");
: > +     $str.=subst(/pat/, {"replacement"});
: Hmmm... I have no answer for the non-mutating version, but:
:     $str.match(/pat/) = "replacement";
:     $str.m(/pat) = "replacement";

And I even predicted somewhere that someone would immediately ask for
a method form of pseudo-assignment.  But macros and dynamic dispatch
don't mix well, and I think if you really want the macro it's just
about as easy to write:

    $str ~~ s(/pat) = "replacement";

: > +This is not a normal assigment, since the right side is evaluated each
: > +time the substitution matches 
: Can't this be generalized somehow? Return an lvalue proxy, like substr
: does, and make thunking the default for certain LHS types. 

Well, I'm not sure I like that much hidden run-time apparatus, and it doesn't
solve the basic macroish problem that the replacement has to be a lazy thunk.

: I don't like special syntax that looks like normal syntax.

Then by all means also avoid these:

    has $.answer = 42;
    state $s = 0;



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