Damian Conway wrote:
>  I'd be more inclined to go
> the other way and say that you can transform any list infix form to
> the corresponding function form:
>     @a ZZ @b ZZ @c -> zip operator
>     ZZ(@a; @b; @c) -> zip function
>     @a XX @b XX @c -> cross operator
>     XX(@a; @b; @c) -> cross function
>     @a X*X @b X*X @c -> cross product operator
>     X*X(@a; @b; @c) -> cross product function
>     @a MM @b MM @c -> minmax operator
>     MM(@a; @b; @c) -> minmax function

Can't you already do this, with square braces?

 @a XX @b XX @c
 [XX] (@a; @b; @c)

etc?  Or am I missing something about the reduction metaoperator?

I'm not strongly opposed to this, unless they're the *only* forms of
the functions. If the very much more readable 'zip' and 'minmax' are
to be replaced with 'ZZ' and 'MM', then I think that's a serious step
backwards in usability.

Hear, hear.  I very much prefer 'zip' and 'minmax' to 'ZZ' and 'MM'.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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