
brian d foy wrote:
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Moritz Lenz
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> brian d foy wrote:
>>> Under the section "The for Statement" in S04, it says that the diamond
>>> operator
>>>    while( <> ) { ... } 
>>> becomes in Perl 6
>>>    for =$*ARGS { ... }
>> Some time ago I read that too, and wondered why that's not [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>> That
>> seems more reasonable, because the command line arguments are stored in
>> @*ARGS.
> well, $*ARGS is a magical filehandle, not a list of files. If you could
> use an array there, I think you'd have to allow any array, and that
> would be weird.

Why would that be weird? When things like

my $file = "/etc/passwd";
for =$file -> $line { ... }

work, why shouldn't we allow things like

my @files = <foo bar>
for [EMAIL PROTECTED] -> $line { ... }

and let '=' followed by an empty list default to $*IN (like in =<>)?

I think that would be consequent magic, and very convenient.

(If you already had that discussion earlier, just say it and I'll shut
up ;-)


Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ -  http://sudokugarden.de/ - http://perl-6.de/

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