On Sunday 13 May 2007 15:42:30 Thomas Wittek wrote:

> What makes Perl hard to read is the excessive use of special characters
> (/\W/).

It also makes Mandarin and other ideographic languages impossible to read.  As 
evidence I admit that, though I am very smart, *I* can't read them.
(Try to ignore the billion-plus people who can.)

> Global variables with cryptic names, that no beginner can make any sense
> of by reading it. And after not working with "$<" for some months I
> can't remember it either, although I've got quite some Perl experience.

Most of those have gone away.

> Additionally I'm not a friend of sigils:

I'm not a friend of potential conflicts between built-in operators and my 
identifier names (and especially the conflicts between scalar, aggregate, 
type, and function names).

> I would also like semicolons to be optional. There are far more cases of
> single line statements than multiline statements. So you would save
> quite some characters, when the semicolon would be optional and you
> could concatenate multiline statements with e.g. a backslash.

When (smart) people talk about Python's whitespace problem, they don't mean 
*horizontal* whitespace.

> Some say that there are too much operators in Perl(6). I partially
> agree.

That's like saying there are too many function calls in Scheme.  Perl's an 
operator-oriented language!

> People not only want code that _is_ sexy, but they also want it to
> _look_ sexy.

You'll have to find me more than a handful of Dylan hackers to start to 
convince me of that!

-- c

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