Amir E. Aharoni wrote:
> On 30/12/2007, Jonathan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The only wart
> > is that '#( ... )' cannot begin at the very start of a line; but it's
> > easy enough to get around that restriction - say, with some leading
> > whitespace.
> Thanks for the reply - can you please what is the problem with having
> it in the beginning of the line?

Short answer: the compiler has no way of knowing whether the
programmer wants an embedded comment or a line comment; so instead of
guessing, it requires the programmer to disambiguate.

Long answer: a standard method of commenting out code is to manually
prefix each line with a '#'.  If embedded comments were allowed at the
beginning of a line, then people using this technique would
occasionally get some nasty surprises.  For example:

  if ($test)
  } else {

Let's say that the programmer in question wants to comment out all but
the third line; so he prefixes everything else with '#':

  #if ($test)
  #} else {
  #  .doit;

What the writer _wants_ this to do is the equivalent of:


What he'd get with embedded comments would be the equivalent of:

    else {


Initially, the rule was that any line beginning with a '#' would be
considered a line comment, regardless of what the second character is.
 The result was that the above code worked as expected.  However, it
lead to the possibility of someone putting a '#{' at the start of a
line, expecting an embedded comment, and getting a line comment

  #{ start here } if ($test)
  } else {

There's no way for the compiler to reliably guess which semantics the
programmer intended, so it complains.  The easiest way to keep it from
complaining is to add some whitespace:

  # if ($test)
  # {
  # } else {
  #   .doit;
  # }


   #{ start here } if ($test)
  } else {

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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