On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 12:43:58AM +0800, Audrey Tang wrote:
> Larry Wall 提到:
>> Yes, unless we decide we need something like that for list
>> comprehensions.  Maybe looping modifiers allow placeholders in what
>> would otherwise be an error...
> Sure.  How about this:
> "
> Use of a placeholder parameter in statement-level blocks triggers a
> syntax error, because the parameter is not out front where it can be
> seen.  However, it's not an error when prefixed by a C<do>, or when
> followed by a statement modifier:
>     # Syntax error: statement-level placeholder block
>     { say $^x };
>     # Not an syntax error, though $x doesn't get the argument it wants
>     do { say $^x };
>     # Not an error at all
>     { say $^x } for 1..10;
> "

I was originally thinking just loop modifiers, but I suppose

    { say $^x } if foo();

also can be made to make some kind of sense, in the same way that

    if foo() -> $x { say $x }

is supposed to work.  And we have to do it like that anyway if
we want to say something like:

    { say $^x } if .odd for 1..10;

> I do find it interesting that, because "any block just inside a left 
> parenthesis is immediately called like a bare block", we have:
>     my $x = {1+1};    # $x is a Code
>     my $y = ({1+1});  # $y is 2!
> Is that correct?

Yes, current STD has the inside of () and [] as <statementlist>,
which throws away all but the last statement.  Arguably [] at least
should probably be <semilist> though, and maybe () too.

    my @x := [{1+1}; {2+2}];  @x is currently [4], should be [2,4]?
    my @x = ({1+1}; {2+2});  same deal?


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