John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> PRE/POST on methods:
> "
> When applied to a method, the semantics provide support for the "Design by 
> Contract" style of OO programming: a precondition of a particular method is 
> met if all the PRE blocks associated with that method return true. Otherwise, 
> the precondition is met if all of the parent classes' preconditions are met 
> (which may include the preconditions of their parent classes if they fail, 
> and so on recursively.)
> In contrast, a method's postcondition is met if all the method's POST blocks 
> return true and all its parents' postconditions are also met recursively.
> "
> If the PRE blocks on the method don't all return true, it appeals to the 
> preconditions on the base class of the class defining the method?  I don't 
> get it.  Why would a class-level precondition override a method-level 
> precondition?  Why bother defining them on the method, if they are ignored if 
> they are false anyway?

Finally one that I'm able to answer ;-)

class MyMath {
   method sqrt($x:) {
       PRE { $x >= 0 }
       # your calculation here.

Now whenever you have an object of Type MyMath, you can be sure that
it's valid to pass any non-negative number to sqrt.
If a inherited class could harden that precondition, that assumption
would be false. That's why it's only allowed to weaken preconditions:

class MyComplexMath is MyMath {
    method sqrt($x:){
        PRE { True }
        # your calculation here

This is described in depth in "Object oriented software construction" by
Bertrand Meyer.

If you want to harden a precondition, you can revert to addtional methods:

class MyMath {
    method can_take_sqrt($x:){
         $x >= 0;
    method sqrt($x:){
        PRE { $x.can_take_sqrt }

class MyComplexMath is MyMath {
    method can_take_sqrt($x:){

That way a user of class MyMath can always call can_take_sqrt() to check
if she can satisfy the precondition.


Moritz Lenz |

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