Larry Wall wrote:
> This is basically a non-problem.  Junctions have one public method,
> .eigenstates, which is vanishingly unlikely to be used by accident by
> any mere mortal any time in the next 100 years, give or take a year.
> If someone does happen to be programming quantum mechanics in Perl 6,
> they're probably smart enough to work around the presence of a
> reserved--well, it's not even a reserved word-- a reserved method name.

Actually, the problem isn't with '.eigenstates'; the problem is with
'.perl'.  If I'm viewing a Junction of items as a single indeterminate
item, I'd expect $J.perl to return a Junction of the items' perl by
default.  Admittedly though, even that isn't much of an issue, seeing
as how you _can_ get that result by saying something to the effect of
"Junction of $J.eigenstates.«perl" - the only tricky part being how to
decide which kind of junction to use (e.g., any, all, one, none) when
putting the perl-ized eigenstates back together.  (And how _would_ you
do that?)  This would represent another corner-case where the
programmer would be tripped up by a simplistic understanding of what a
Junction is; but being a corner-case, that's probably acceptable.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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