Larry concluded:

> I do freely admit that most Perlfolk are not used to thinking of
> permissions in terms of set theory.  But as I said, we're looking at
> kind of a strange use case here, and perhaps not typical of the kinds
> of sets of small numbers that people will be using in the future.

The reason I raised the issue is because I believe it *is* a very
typical certain hardware-oriented domains.

> I kinda hope we can get a bit further away from the machine code
> level of reality one of these decades.  Perl 6 should not be
> optimized for C semantics.

Agreed. But it should at least support those who need to work at
the machine code level, but would prefer not to have to do so in C.

That said, I'd be perfectly happy to encourage the use of proper set
abstractions for this purpose, so long as the long-suffering hardware
engineers can still easily convert the final set to an appropriate
bit-pattern when it's time to pump the results out to the hardware.


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