Smylers wrote:
> writes:
>> Author: lwall
>> Log:
>> [S03] refine hyper dwimminess to be more like APL, with modular semantics
>> +    (1,2,3)   »+» 1       # 2,4,4,6     rhs dwims to (1 xx *).batch(3)
> I'd've expected the output to be 2,3,4; is the 2,4,4,6 copy pasta or am
> I missing something?

Likewise with:

>> +    (1,2,3)   »+» (1,2)   # 2,4,4,6     rhs dwims to ((1,2) xx *).batch(3)

Wouldn't that be equivalent to:

    (1,2,3) »+« (1,2,1)   # 2,4,4


In fact, could you show what each of the successful examples dwim to
in the form of "(1,2,3) »+« (A,B,C)"? It would make it a bit easier to

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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