Darren Duncan wrote:
Aaron Sherman wrote:
The more I look at this, the more I think ".." and "..." are reversed.
I would rather that ".." stay with intervals and "..." with generators.

Another thing to consider if one is looking at huffmanization is how often the versions that exclude endpoints would be used, such as "^..^".

I would imagine that a sequence generator would also have this variability 

Does "..." also come with the 4 variations of endpoint inclusion/exclusion?

If not, then it should, as I'm sure many times one would want to do this, say:

  for 0...^$n -> {...}

In any event, I still think that the mnemonics of "..." (yadda-yadda-yadda) are more appropriate to a generator, where it says "produce this and so on". A ".." does not have that mnemonic and looks better for an interval.

-- Darren Duncan

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