Today I propose a pragma that changes how numbers are presented in Perl 6. The idea arises from a discussion on the freenode channel #perl6, available here:

The most important thing to remember is that the presentation of numbers in Perl 6 is different from the number itself, the way we use numbers in our code is different from how Perl 6 handles them internally. We only chose for numbers in our code to be presented and treated as being in base 10 because that's how most of us count.

The pragma I propose is use base, which takes one positional argument that denotes what base you want Perl 6 to interpret and present numbers in your code. For example, use base 16 tells Perl 6 to handle all numbers as if they're in base 16, and to present them as base 16. Here, I present an example use:

my $a = 10;
say $a;

This code does what it always does. It puts the number 0d10 into $a, and then say outputs `10'. But this code:

use base 16;
my $a = 10;
say $a;

puts the number 0x10 into $a, and outputs `10'. Here, say $a.fmt('%d') would output `16'.

Now, this may cause some confusion in some cases, particularly with the radix conversion :10() and such. In the default base 10, :10($a) is interpreted to mean that $a is in base 10, and to convert it to how Perl 6 currently presents numbers, base 10. Naturally, this is pretty useless. In base 16 mode, :10($a) is interpreted to mean that $a is in base 16 (because the 10 here is now 0x10), and to convert it to base 16, and is just as useless. In base 16 mode, :A($a) would be used instead to convert base 10 to base 16.

If you see any significant problems or have suggestions, then feel free to reply. I feel this will help with making non-10 bases easier to deal with in applications where its necessary.


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