On Aug 13, 2014, at 4:50 AM, Solomon Foster <colo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 7:26 PM, Fields, Christopher J
> <cjfie...@illinois.edu> wrote:
>> I have a fairly simple question regarding the feasibility of using grammars 
>> with commonly used biological data formats.
>> My main question: if I wanted to parse() or subparse() vary large files (not 
>> unheard of to have FASTA/FASTQ or other similar data files exceed 100’s of 
>> GB) would a grammar be the best solution?  For instance, based on what I am 
>> reading the semantics appear to be greedy; for instance:
>>    Grammar.parsefile($file)
>> appears to be a convenient shorthand for:
>>    Grammar.parse($file.slurp)
>> since Grammar.parse() works on a Str, not a IO::Handle or Buf.  Or am I 
>> misunderstanding how this could be accomplished?
> My understanding is it is intended that parsing can work on Cats
> (hypothetical lazy strings) but this hasn't been implemented yet
> anywhere.
> -- 
> Solomon Foster: colo...@gmail.com
> HarmonyWare, Inc: http://www.harmonyware.com

Yeah, that’s what I recall as well.  I see very little in the specs re: Cat 


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