On 27 Jan 2016 10:15 AM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

On 01/27/2016 03:15 PM, Felipe Gasper wrote:
So, what *is* the scoping of $!?

Scoped to a routine, iirc (sub, method, regex)

Interesting. JavaScript programmers that I’ve known bemoan that their language uses function scoping rather than block scoping.

That also seems incongruent with the built-in block scoping for try/CATCH.

Has Perl 6 embraced function scoping as a major paradigm, then?

But, what is the point of $! at all? The exception is given to the CATCH block as $_. If I want access to it outside CATCH, isn’t the expected workflow to save CATCH{$_} to a variable, the way my example does it?

$! is also not mentioned here: http://perl6intro.com/#_exception_handling


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