(my apologies for the delay in sending this)

Software Project Survival Guide
by Steve McConnell
Published by Microsoft Press.

  Takes you step by step through the project, and each chapter ends
  with a checklist of things that should be happening and things
  that shouldn't.  Quite detailed, and with good concrete suggestions
  for things like team structure and code control.


Effective Project Management (2ed)
by Wysocki, Beck Jr, and Crane
Published by Wiley

  Not specifically software projects, and big on the diagrams and
  paperwork methodology.  Some useful information on how corporate
  structure and project team design can work together or conflict.
  Good information on what should be in the paperwork, so long as
  you can stomach the corporate bullshit.


Debugging the Development Process
by Steve Maguire
Published by Microsoft Press

  Really good book with war stories from Microsoft about taking on
  failing projects and fixing them.  Maguire seems to really know
  his stuff, and his advocacy of as few meetings as possible got
  him off on the right foot with me. 


Dynamics of Software Development
by Jim McCarthy
Published by Microsoft Press

  I read this in a 2 hour bus ride home from the airport, it's that
  skinny.  But it's still quite interesting.  He smacks a little of
  shallow pop psychology in his emphasis on people and what keeps
  people happy, but there is still good information in here.


The Deadline: A Novel About Project Management
by Tom Demarco
Published by Dorset House

  This is a funny book in parts, entertaining, and yet informative.
  At points I felt like he was tending a little too much towards
  a Utopian view of things (monitoring progress is good, but I'd like
  to talk to people using the automated tools he describes before I
  buy it wholesale).  Nonetheless, lots of good ideas and strong
  fundamental concepts can be learned painlessly from this book.  And
  it's the only book on this list that uses the word "herpes".


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