On Sat, Jun 15, 2002 at 10:35:48PM -0400, John Siracusa wrote:
> Once nice thing about Java is the class naming convention that lets
> individual companies (or even individuals, I guess) do custom development
> that they can safely integrate with the "standard" Java classes and the work
> of other companies/individuals without fear of namespace clashes.  For
> example, the Acme Corporation can build a huge library of Java code under
> the com.acme.* namespace: com.acme.widget, com.acme.widget.control, etc.

Let's dump out the sack of namespace partitioning problems:

What if Acme decides it wants to release part of it's code as Open Source?
(Happens a lot).  Does it release it as Com::Acme::Text::Thing or
Text::Thing?  If the name changes, do they have to rewrite all their
existing code?  Or maybe maintain two names?

What if Acme changes it's name?  Do they stay as Com::Acme or change all
their code?  I've experienced something similar to this at a company which
was bought and the subsequent s/Old Name/New Name/ in all the copyrights and
licenses in all the code.

What if Acme Corp. and Acme Widgets Inc. both decide they want to use
Com::Acme?  What happens if lawyers get involved?

What if Acme Corp. decides it wants to enforce it's trademark on Com::Acme?

A variation on the last two already happened.  Could someone who knows the
full story relate what happened when Sun wanted to release it's core Solaris
perl modules to CPAN?  I know it involved trademarks and guaranteeing a
namespace exclusively for Sun.

It would be nice to have someone experienced with Java to relate how things
have worked out with the com.acme.* scheme.

This sig file temporarily out of order.

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