yary wrote:
Yes but- the OP wasn't asking about
my Str $s;
my Int $i=$s;

not failing at compile time, the question was about
 my Int $i='abc';

or how about
 sub square(Int $n='o hai');

Would it be wrong for the "cut-off point" be after an immediate assignment/
declaration of a built-in type to a literal constant? Or does even checking
that at compile time lead to headache?

You're right, and this *should* be caught at compile time, because it is the low-hanging fruit, and can be tested with little effort. My point is that, because compile-time testing isn't essential, it was probably further down the priority queue of the Rakudo developers. It very much should be done, and relatively soon, but so far it was quite reasonable to have waited. -- Darren Duncan

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