> On 14 Nov 2017, at 18:06, Fernando Santagata <nando.santag...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I'm converting a program from Perl5/Moose.
> I have several classes, each has some attributes that need to be processed in 
> the same way before being passed to other objects.
> When I was using Moose, I had some "around" methods that would automatically 
> modify the value before delivering it to those attributes, so delegating the 
> object to do the needed adjustments.
> Stripped to the bare bones, the thing that in Perl6 looks like this:
> class A {
>   has $!a;
>   method a($val?)
>   {
>     if $val.defined {
>       # Modify $val in some way
>       $!a = $val;
>     } else {
>       $!a;
>     }
>   }
> }
> my A $a .= new;
> # $a.a = 42; # This outputs an error
> $a.a(42);
> say $a.a;
> Any hint how to make it work as an assignment, instead of a method call?
> Better yet, is there a way to abstract that behavior in a role?

I think you want “is rw” on a public attribute?

class A {
    has $.a is rw;
my $obj = A.new;
$obj.a = 42;
dd $obj;
A $obj = A.new(a => 42)


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