Brad is saying what I've been saying, while a uint CAN represent a cardinal number, one does NOT ALWAYS represent a cardinal number, so saying this only IS a cardinal number is WRONG. -- Darren Duncan

On 2020-01-13 12:56 p.m., Brad Gilbert wrote:
Ok looking into it, zero is inside of the set of cardinal numbers.

It is still wrong to call a uint a cardinal number.
It's just wrong for a different reason.

Looking through various definitions, a cardinal number is a number which represents a count of sets.

So a uint could be used to represent a cardinal number, but it could just as easily be a number that represents something other than a count.

If it is being used to index into a list it would be an ordinal number. (And so definitely not a cardinal number.)

Calling them cardinal numbers would imply something about them that may or may not be true.

If it is being used to store a bitmask, then it would be wrong to call it a cardinal, ordinal, or even a natural number.

It may also be wrong to call it an integer, but at least that is what CPU designers call it.

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