This reminds me of my 2009 Set::Relation Perl module, which works to help you do SQL features like this in your application, but will soon be superseded by another module that also has a Raku version. -- Darren Duncan

On 2020-07-19 1:02 p.m., Joseph Brenner wrote:
I was thinking about the cross-product operator the other day,
and I was wondering if there might be a convenient way of
filtering the resulting cartesian product to do something like a
database inner join:

     my @level  = ( godzilla => 9 ,    gremlin => 3,     hanuman => 5 );
     my @origin = ( godzilla => 'jp',  tingler => 'us',  hanuman => 'il' );

     my @results = ( @level X @origin ).grep({ $_[0].keys eq $_[1].keys });
     say @results;  # ((godzilla => 6 godzilla => jp) (hanuman => 5
hanuman => il))

That's easy enough, though the resulting data structure isn't very neat.
I started looking for ways to rearrange it:

     my %joined;
     for @results -> $row {
         say "row: ", $row;          # e.g. row: (godzilla => 9 godzilla => jp)
         say ${ .keys });    # e.g. ((godzilla) (godzilla))
         say ${ .values });  # e.g. ((9) (jp))

         my $monster =| $row[0].keys;              # e.g. godzilla
         my @attributes =| ${ .values });  # e.g. [9 jp]
         %joined{ $monster } = @attributes;
     say %joined;  # {godzilla => [9 jp], hanuman => [5 il]}

I can do it more compactly, but it risks getting unreadable:

     my %joined2 =|{ $_[0].keys => .map({ .values }).flat  });

In any case, the %joined structure feels more perlish, for
example it's easier to use it to generate reports:

     for %joined.keys -> $key {
         printf "%12s: level: %-2d origin: %3s\n", $key, %joined{ $key }.flat;
     #     hanuman: level: 5  origin:  il
     #    godzilla: level: 9  origin:  jp

Is there some neater way of doing this that I'm missing?

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