I'm not sure what $i is ($idx?) but the warning is
from this expression:

  $a > 0 && $a->index($i) < 0

And the problem is that you are using the perl logical
&& rather than the overloaded bitwise & to combine the
masks.  Change to

  ($a > 0) & ($a->index($i) < 0)

and things should work better.  I've added some parens
to avoid warning about possible precedence issues....


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 2:16 PM, Vikas N Kumar <vi...@cpan.org> wrote:
> Hi
> I am stumped by the problems I face with simple conditionals in using
> the which() function. I have tried many different ways in trying to
> solve it but none of them give me the result I want.
> Here is a sample:
>     use PDL;
>     # a random list of values that are above and below 0
>     my $a = randsym(100) - 0.5;
>     # create a lag of 1
>     my $idx = xvals($a->dims) - 1;
>     $i = $i->setbadif($i < 0)->setbadtoval(0); # can this be more elegant ?
>     # find all the positions where $a[i] > 0 and $a[i - 1] < 0
>     # in essence where $a crosses the zero line
>     my $b = zeroes($a->dims);
>     my $b_idx = which($a > 0 && $a->index($i) < 0);
>     # set those points as 1
>     $b->index($b_idx) .= 1;
> Everytime I run this I get "multielement piddle in conditional
> expression" errors.
> I have not been able to find an elegant solution to this problem. I
> cannot seem to create a mask that has more than 1 piddle comparisons.
> Please help.
> Thanks
> Vikas
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