Hey Chris,

I think if we try to extract and (minimally) generalize the Prima object
system, we'll give Stevan a highly performant C-based object system upon
which to build p5-mop. If ever there was a time to introduce a minimal C
object system into the Perl core, p5-mop would be it.

As an added bonus, if we get involved in this sort of effort, we can lend
more manpower to the effort, which has usually been a two-man show. This
will increase the likelihood that p5-mop gets fully implemented, and bring
some more awareness to PDL.

But then again, I've spoken about Prima's object system and not
successfully extracted it (yet). Eo is written, a known and tested quantity.

It just strikes me as a profound coincidence that p5-mop still hasn't been
finalized, and we're bandying about the notion of a new C-based object
system for PDL. I could be wrong, but it seems to me that this is a moment
to be seized. Why not merge forces?


On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 3:36 PM, Chris Marshall <devel.chm...@gmail.com>

> Hi David-
> I think if we start trying to get something in the perl5 core we'll
> rediscover the pain that Stevan Little found.  Right now my thought was to
> use the existing perl5 MOP (i.e., Mo[o[se]) to generate the PDL::Tiny
> classes and using that information to generate the C object
> binding/implementation.  I'm looking at the Enlightenment Object model as a
> starting point for the C object model to avoid re-inventing the wheel.  One
> nice thing there is that the EO library can be called from either C or
> *real* C++ code so you can have the best of both worlds without the problem
> of forcing the use of a specific C++ compiler everywhere....
> --Chris
> On 1/8/2015 20:41, David Mertens wrote:
>> Hey Chris, porters,
>> I was thinking again about this project. One thing that occurs to me is
>> that p5mop-redux, Stevan Little's attempt at creating something like Moose
>> that could be pushed into core Perl, has been stalled for many months. I am
>> not sure if p5mop-redux has a very good C API; indeed, I am not sure if it
>> has a C object API at all. I wonder if we might consider stepping in an
>> lending a hand to help build a C object API, which would serve as the
>> foundation for the mop.
>> If we had a solid C object system with the high potential of getting
>> pushed into the core, we would be in excellent shape to create the next
>> generation of PDL.
>> Thoughts?
>> David

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