saya tidak sependap dengan hal dibawah ini.
kalo memang negara barat menginjak2 kita kenapa juga nggak dilawan. Malu kalo harga 
diri bangsa kita.
Kalo diliat sejarah negara segede amerika pun dulu sempet hancur dengan perang 

so jangan terlalu berkecil hati dengan negara kita.
masih banyak tokoh2 atau sumberdaya manusia yang dapat diandalkan.


On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 15:44:48   Mardhika Wisesa wrote:
Makanya, belajar dari kesalahan lampau, jangan terlalu
>menantang Negara-negara Barat, orang sekuat Soekarno pun dapat ditumbang kan,
>apalagi ikan cere seperti Soeharto, wah...kasihan kan sekarang.
>Mardhika Wisesa
>Jeffrey Anjasmara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Nah, rupanya benar kan? Memang Australia telah menyusupkan
>pasukan SAS-nya sejak Bulan April 1999!
>Jadi mereka pula yang mematangkan situasi di Dili agar muncul kekacauan.
>Propaganda rakyat Timtim vs. Milisi tak habis-habisnya mereka dengungkan.
>Rupanya ada udang di balik batu. Benar-benar Indonesia bangsa yang apes dan
>bodoh. Bukannya sibuk membuat barisan anti penyusupan malahan menyuruh IMF
>menekan Indonesia. Demo-demo anti Aussie dibilang karena dibayar. Semua
>malahan beramai-ramai ikut ambil bagian dalam mensukseskan propaganda Aussie
>dan AS dengan berbagai aksi HAM yang bener-bener keblinger, dan bersaing
>dengan berbagai LSM-LSM yang memang dibayar oleh negara barat.
>TNI bukan tidak kurang tololnya. Mereka selalu saja menutup-nutupi semua hal
>sebagai milik mereka sendiri. Dasar memangnya tolol jadi sudah pantas kalau
>mereka masuk ke barak. Mereka mesti angkat beban lagi, latihan lari lagi.
>Mengurusi keamanan saja tidak becus kok mau ikut-ikutan pemerintahan segala.
>Kok nggak malu.
>Mestinya mereka buka saja masalah sebenarnya di koran. Ngapain
>ditutup-tutupin. Saat ini kejadian di P. Kisar juga tidak ada tindak
>lanjutnya. Kirim pasukan kek ke sana. Siarkan secara besar-besaran, biar
>rakyatnya ngerti kalau kita punya masalah keamanan sangat besar. Siapa sih
>Kapuspen ABRI waktu itu? Yang model-model nggak becus begitu mending
>sekalian digantung saja di Monas.
>Gaya Suharto dulu memang terlalu kalem. Sangat berbeda dengan gaya Sukarno
>yang mampu membuat anak negeri ikut merasa memiliki. Setelah Suharto
>lengser, budaya 'low profile' tetap dipakai tetapi modal kepercayaan nggak
>punya. Ya bubar saja deh.
>Jeffrey Anjasmara
>Elite forces scouted island from April
>Daring to win ... Australian Special Forces
>soldiers during an exercise.
>By IAN HUNTER, in London
>Australian special forces and navy divers
>were scouting the terrain of East Timor and
>Indonesian forces deployments inside the
>territory months before the actual landing of
>United Nations-approved peacemakers last
>month, a senior Australian defence source has
>revealed. Members of the elite Perth-based
>Special Air Services Regiment and the Royal Australian Navy's
>Clearance Diving Team (CDT) have been operating clandestinely on the
>island since early this year.
>The sole task of the two elite units was reconnaissance in preparation for a
>large Australian Defence Force (ADF) deployment.
>The SAS's principal subjects have been infrastructure in and around
>Dili,Indonesian ground force operations in the hinterland and movements of
>military traffic across the West Timor frontier. CDT divers scoured Dili
>harbour and nearby anchorages for anti-shipping mines, explosives and traps.
>They also surveyed nearby sites in case an amphibious landing became
>necessary. From the shore they scouted for Indonesian military (TNI) and
>militia obstacles and deployments.
>The two units train together off the coast near Perth. While the SAS,
>whose strength is put at "over 500" by the Defence Department, stayed at
>Swanbourne for the Gulf War, the CDT performed Timor-style work in
>Kuwait during that conflict. Their orders did not authorise offensive
>strikes, interdiction or sabotage. Deployed by submarine and extracted
>by helicopter, they were inserted when the Prime Minister put the
>Darwin-based 1 Brigade on 28-day standby in April.
>Although the helicopter flights were made at extremely low level to avoid
>detection by radar, the TNI did make it known in June that it was aware of
>unauthorised intrusions, though it suspected the flights involved covert
>weapons shipments to independence fighters.
>On June 9, the Indonesian armed forces commander, General Wiranto,
>ordered increased naval and air surveillance off the East Timor coast after
>five helicopter flights were reported in May and June.
>The then East Timor military commander, Colonel Tono Suratman, said
>there had been two helicopter landings in the area of Larinkuten, near
>Viqueque, of a large helicopter similar to the French-designed Puma. At the
>same time as the helicopter landings were reported, a vessel with a
>helicopter landing pad had also been sighted off East Timor's coast, he
>The description fits with the Seahawk helicopters operated from RAN
>The covert operations before the creation of the Interfet force are
>classified secret and will remain so under the Federal Cabinet's 30-year
>A senior ADF special forces and intelligence officer recently said the
>small force was observing Indonesian military activity as a necessary
>precursor to full-scale deployment. The same tactics were used by the
>British SAS during the 1982 Falklands and 1990-91 Gulf wars.
>In July the same officer was saying that the official outlook was that the
>ADF would deploy shortly and that ensuing peacekeeping and United
>Nations stabilisation plans would be similar to those effected in Cambodia
>in 1991.
>At that time, he said that ADF headquarters in Canberra expected the
>eventual UN-sponsored intervention force to be small and include only a
>minimal armed security force. ADF planning did not anticipate an
>Australian component as large as 4,500 personnel.
>The SAS and CDT cells transmitted constant reports on TNI and militia
>activities to ADF headquarters and the ultra-secret Defence Signals
>Directorate (DSD), also in Canberra. Only 20 or so people, including the
>Prime Minister, were allowed access to these reports and attached
>assessments. Most members of Cabinet have not seen them. The job of
>the DSD has been to analyse the reports and conclude whether the recent
>atrocities were a sustained policy of terror or a violent reaction to
>impending independence.
>The SAS cells, comprising no more than five troopers, would never have
>been in a position to intervene. Such operations would have required the
>support of the SAS's Sabre Squadron, which has not seen action since the
>Vietnam War.
>In armed contact with the TNI and militia, the general observations,
>technical descriptions and assessments of TNI capabilities in Timor have
>been invaluable.
>Major-General Peter Cosgrove, the Interfet leader, inadvertently referred to
>the ongoing reconnaissance recently when he said he was interested to read
>reports of what the TNI and militia groups were doing in remote and border
>areas. The covert surveillance gave the ADF the most comprehensive
>intelligence survey of the Indonesian military and paramilitary activity as
>the East Timor situation deteriorated mid-year. This has been uncomfortable
>knowledge in one respect. United States agencies have complained to the
>Australian Ambassador, Mr Andrew Peacock, about being denied access to
>Australian reports because they were known to be much more detailed than
>anything Washington had.
>Mr Peacock declined to forward the reports because the names and
>operational deployment details would be compromised.
>The US has its navy and the CIA watching the zone. Los Angeles class
>submarines are capable of positioning pods called Ivy Bells on
>underwater communication links. After a month or two they are retrieved and
>then decoded.
>They are believed to have been listening to TNI traffic for as long as the
>SAS has been on the island.
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