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Please note:  to be eligible for these loans you must receive funding from
the university.  This can be a scholarship, tuition remission, on-campus
employment, department merit award.


      IIE is pleased to announce Round Three of the Asian Students in
      America Higher Education Loan Program (ASIA-HELP), a zero-interest
      loan program for students from Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand
      who continue to have difficulty financing their U.S. education due to
      economic instability in their home countries.  Generously supported by
      the Freeman Foundation,  ASIA-HELP has already provided loans to
      students at over 200 U.S. campuses since its inception in 1998.  Loan
      awards will range from $2,000-$5,000 and will available by the
      beginning of the Spring 2000 semester to cover student expenses for
      the 1999-2000 academic  year.

      Students cannot apply directly for ASIA-HELP loans but must be
      nominated through the International Student Offices on their U.S. host
      campuses.  As in past rounds, the host campus is required to provide
      matching funds for each student it nominates.  This year, to encourage
      wider participation, the campus matching funds requirement has been
      reduced by 50%.  Campuses must match at least half the loan amount
      requested from ASIA-HELP, rather than 100% of the loan amount.  For
      example, if the student is requesting $4000 from ASIA-HELP, the campus
      must provide an additional $2000 or more.  Matching funds from the
      host campus can be in the form of a tuition waiver, loan, a
      fellowship, tuition deferral, or on-campus employment.

      The amount of the ASIA-HELP loan request is determined by campuses in
      consultation with student nominees and can be for either one or two
      semesters.  Applications must be submitted by December 1 with awards
      announced by e-mail on December 6 and funding sent to the campus as
      soon thereafter as the student returns the signed loan agreement.
      Campuses may nominate up to 4 new students and 4 renewal students.
      Previous ASIA-HELP awardees are eligible to be re-nominated if the
      loan award they have previously received does not cover the Spring
      2000 semester.  Students must be planning to graduate no later than
      2001.  Repayment is required beginning one year after the student
      graduates from the degree program in which he/she is enrolled at
      present.  Loan awards are not currently planned for the 2000-2001
      academic year.

      Through its ASIA-HELP web site (http://www.iie.org/pgms/asiahelp/),
      IIE's will again utilize  the on-line application procedure to
      implement this program.  The response to this innovation has been
      extremely positive with many schools citing the convenience and
      greater accessibility it offers, particularly to administrators and
      nominated students who may not be currently on-campus.  IIE assigns a
      user id and unique password to each school which enables access to the
      on-line application.  Schools which did not participate in previous
      rounds of ASIA-HELP may contact IIE by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
      receive a user ID and password.  Schools which participated previously
      may use their existing user IDs and passwords to access the on-line

      For detailed information on student eligibility, application
      procedures, and answers to frequently asked questions, see the
      ASIA-HELP website at:  www.iie.org/pgms/asiahelp/.  You may also
      contact the IIE/ASIA-HELP office by e-mail at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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