
I really hope you can explain to them (the puring guys). Tell them that they are not 
supposed to have their commodities out there.
That they should use one of the store that gov't provided, surely with high cost.


>Date:         Wed, 12 Jan 2000 01:09:40 EST
>Reply-To: Indonesian Students in the US <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: "Heru W. Nugroho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:      Re: Pedagang taman puring, the light at end of the tunnel !!!
>There are occasion when we must break the tradition to bring about progress.
>I believe "pedagang taman puring" is one of those issues that need to be
>given attention.
>I'm very objective person in analyzing an issue such as this. Surely, before
>the gov't made the decision to cleanup taman puring provisions were made to
>accommodate those pedagang and adequate time was allocated for them to move.
>I hope that in the future, the people will realize the benefits this action
>will bring to the city of Jakarta. In terms of easing up the traffic, making
>the area clean and less sumpek. Mudah-mudahan, this would be the first step
>to make Jakarta a more livable and internationally competitive city. Peace.
>end divisiveness,
>Heru Nugroho

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