>  Missing anything?
I think it's best we leave the high-faluttin grammatical stuff like
"infinitive" and "imperative" to Amr and Zayd :)

The person who wrote that article definitely didn't have Persian in mind.
In Persian there is much greater overlap in both form and function than
English.  Furthermore, there are an awful
lot of modern compound verbs in Persian where the first element is a noun
or adjective which you may want to treat differently than one-word verbs.

A button with "to print" or "printing" in English is not helpful, that's
why the author specified *imperative* but he meant you should put a
meaningful word so that the user not hesitate at all.

For one-word verbs, one often sees the infinitive functioning as
imperative, for example "ferestadan" and for compound verbs, one often
sees just the noun such as "chap".  If someone is suggesting "chap
kardan", it is probably in hopes of making one rule for all verbs and
ruling out ALL chances of making the user hesitate as the article said.
I personally think "chap" ( possibly accompanied by an attractive icon)
is great!
I think we can guarantee the true imperative forms don't have a chance in
the discussion: "chap kon" (sounds like Mawlavi!)
and "chap konid" (school teacher??) although they are best in English.

Same thing with the "bookmark" issue earlier. Is it really helpful to
go to the ends of the earth looking for the perfect translation of some
cute expression in English of a browser specific term? You are forcing the
user to translate back into English instead of giving some idea of what
that button actually does.  That is fine if the user already knows
English and is familiar with the concept and the button is more
decorative than functional.  To be fair, I think at least one person
suggested something which came closer to conveying the actually meaning.
(I wasn't paying too much attention and was only glad the original poster
didn't ask how to translate "spam"!)


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