On 7-May-04, at 8:05 AM, AmirBehzad Eslami wrote:

Dear Connie,

Like you, I use WinXP and IE 6.0. I'm sorry to say that I can't help you on
the other platforms.

Just to confirm that it doesn't work on Macintosh platform (Safari-OS 10.3.3) but the text is rendered correctly, including Hamza above Alef in ØØØ and ÚØØ and dot below H and Z.


But take a look at http://www.browsercam.com , which provides good services
for web page testing on mutiliple platforms and different browsers.
Hope this helps :-)

Please inform us about the result.


----- Original Message -----
From: "C Bobroff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 11:01 AM
Subject: WEFT webpage font embedding--Call for feedback

We've had a few discussions about WEFT before in the past but never really
explored it completely. Therefore, I made this demo page in both
English and Persian and embedded Tahoma, Koodak(by FarsiWeb) and Arabic

Can you please check if Weft has worked? Do you see my fonts correctly?
Is the Yeh (medial form) showing up correctly in all fonts, especially on
Win98? Is the load time any longer than usual? If you have the old, buggy
Tahoma font, is my corrected font showing up instead? If you have the old
Sinasoft or Borna Koodak, is my FarsiWeb Koodak showing up?

Please report your findings! Be sure to mention which version of Windows
and IE. By the way, you have to uninstall these fonts if you have them,
otherwise, the test is not too helpful :)

As you may know, Weft only works on Windows and IE so don't bother to
check on anything else. Also please don't look at the source code! I was
in a great hurry and yes, it's a mess. Anyone who is qualified is welcome
to redo it if too unbearable. I would appreciate that!

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