AmirBehzad Eslami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 24/11/2005 17:48:29:

> Dear list,
>   I'm considering programming a simple "Search Engine" for a website,
>   to find Arabic/Persian data within a MySQL database.
>   This database contains a huge amount of data, encoded with 
>   The big deal is to ** reduce the response time ** to end-users.
>   My first solution is to create an Index and use the "FULL-TEXT 
> Searching" method.
>   Luckily, MySQL's provides FULL-TEXT Indexing support in MyISAM tables.
>   But unfortunately, it doesn't support multi-byte charsets (e.g. 
> Unicode). [1]
>   Technically, MySQL creates Indexes over words.
>   A "word'' is any sequence of characters consisting of letters and 
> numbers [2].
>   Assuming this, I tried to save the records as Unicode Character 
> References (&#xxxx;), but the search failed again :-(
>   Any suggestion?
>   I appreciate any solution to solve this problem.
>   Thanks in Advance,
>   Behzad
>   [1] MySQL Manual -> 6.8.3 Full-text Search TODO
>   [2] MySQL Manual -> 6.8 MySQL Full-text Search
>   P.S.

>   I use MySQL 4.0

I think this is your problem: MySQL does not properly support Unicode 
until version 4.1. I am successfully using FullText with MySQL 4.1 to sort 
UTF-8 encoded Japanese text. I see no reason why it should not work for 
Arabic - if you upgrade.


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