The PF rule...
pass in quick on $EXTERNAL_INT inet from any to $COLOC_IPS_1 label "TEST:$dstaddr#" keep state

Gives a label like....
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879

Is there an easy way to do expansion of $COLOC_IPS_1 so that the single rule above give labels like...
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879
TEST: 230 3099 1511793 1370 148914 1729 1362879

This so we could measure each customers dedicated server statistics.

If not. Anybody with a good suggestion?
I know I can add all IPs separately to pf.conf to have these inividual labels. But that is the last option. It would be really nice if we could do label expansion of an IP block instead..

Possible today or eventual feature request?


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