On 5/16/06, Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Page 2 gives the policies/functionality I would like to have. I want
the system to be secure but I would also like to be able to admin the
system from the outside.

You want your cake AND you want to eat it?  Ambitious!

Mostly, there is the threat of SSH brute forcers, which is annoying
but trivial to defend against (don't let people pick dumb passwords on
any exposed box).  Occasionally, there is the chance of an SSH
pre-auth remote root vuln, but I sort of doubt it, I hear OpenSSH's
privsep is hard to beat.


Nice diagram.  It appears you like OpenBSD. :-)

I assume you are using all OpenBSD because you want a really secure
network.  Let me ask you to rethink it.  My $.02 is that a homogenous
network will be very secure, unless the one platform you use has a
fatal flaw.  It also won't be as functional, since you can only run
software ported to that OS.  You should read the "monoculture" paper,
although some people found the metaphor and analogy misleading, I
found it to be somewhat common sense.

If I were you, I'd at least consider having one internal system that
can run Xen and/or VMWare (I honestly don't know if OpenBSD can) and
then you can at least boot other OSes to play with them.  There's a
lot of good ideas and neat things out there, and OpenBSD is not the
supreme font of them all.  Or do OpenBSD until you master it, or reach
diminishing returns, or get bored, then consider reinstalling one of
them with something else.

I can't decide if it would be best for the firewall to be transparant
or not.

If you're talking about bridging, then that's in direct conflict with
your desire to admin it from the outside.  The only way to admin a
bridging firewall is on the keyboard and monitor directly attached to
it.  It is also impossible to download any packages/ports, or do just
about anything than filter/pass packets.  I find it somewhat
irritating, like cutting off my hands so that someone else can't use
them to stab me in the eye.

If you're talking about transparent proxying, be sure that your proxy
supports all the kinds of transactions.  For example, squid supports
all the HTTP transaction types that I know of, but some
message-oriented HTTP proxies (privoxy) don't support CONNECT, so some
things like streaming media won't work, and it's really irritating to
have to console into the firewall and disable that stuff, re-enable it
when you're done, etc.

Also, the admin computer listed isn't absolutely necessary but
I thought it might be a good way to help me admin the system from the

In what way?  If you're outside, you're not on the admin box.
Chaining to the admin box and back to the firewall box... it's not
clear what problem that solves that connecting directly to the
firewall doesn't.

Also, I'm still looking into learning how to use the Linksys WRT54G in
"bridge mode." As I understand it, I will need to do this.

I don't see why.  It can operate as a router just fine.  However, the
stock firmware really isn't designed to do what you're trying to do.
Consider installing OpenWRT or dd-WRT:


Note that by default in the stock firmware, the LAN ports are bridged
together already.  I am not sure if the WAN port is bridged or not.  I
wanted my LAN to be able to connect to the administrative web
interface, and to be the network uplink, but had trouble doing both.
I ended up putting in routes for 1/1 and 128/1 to get all the traffic
routed where I wanted, but a simpler solution is to turn the web
interface on for the WAN port.  If you ever need to reset the WRT to
factory defaults you'll need to be on the LAN port again, because the
WAN port doesn't have the web interface enabled by default.

And oh yeah, don't use 192.168.0/24 for your internal network.  Pick
something rare, like one of the RFC 1918 "class B" blocks, because the
WRT uses 192.168.0/24 and some cable ISPs use 10/8 internally.  Save
yourself a lot of trouble and pick something relatively unique.
"Curiousity killed the cat, but for a while I was a suspect" -- Steven Wright
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