On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 08:54:54PM -0500, Jason Dixon wrote:
> There is probably a good reason for this, but might be hard to 
> determine a) for an experienced user without access to your network, or 
> b) for an inexperienced user *with* access to your network.  ;-)
> I suggest monitoring your interfaces continually ("while true; do 
> ifconfig -a | grep carp; sleep 1; clear; done") while you recreate your 
> problems.  It wouldn't hurt to also monitor your pfsync traffic for 
> hiccups.

'ifconfig carp' works, no need for '-a | grep carp'. carp(4) state
transitions also show up on the routing socket, so you can do 'route

> I usually experience ~3 seconds of packet loss during a failover.  
> Recovery is always instantaneous (no loss).  Regardless, I've yet to 
> lose any TCP connections.  I'd suggest you try to isolate the 
> questionable behavior.
> >Sorry if I sound like a "Loinux whiny", I'm almost there, just need a
> >few more pointers.
> >
> >1) If I reduce advskew to something like 10 on machine A and 12 on
> >machine b, would that increase the stability of the firewalls?
> I suggest larger advskew differences.  You can only go as high as the 
> size of your segment (256-1 for /24, for example).  If you're only 
> using 2 firewalls, I suggest advskews of 0 and 100.  This isn't 
> documented anywhere, and is only based on my own experience, so YMMV.

If by "not documented" you mean "explicitly ignoring the examples in the
carp(4) manpage", then you're correct :-)

The advskew range doesn't depend on the network segment. It's an 8 bit
number in the CARP packet and the legal values are 1-255. Keep the value
below 240 unless you really know what you're doing.

> >2) Why does it seem that when the master returns from me issuing a
> >reboot does the connection for the client appear to get shaky again?

What is the value of 'sysctl net.inet.carp.preempt'?

Those who want useful advice on a CARP problem should provide the output
of the following (from both machines):

$ ifconfig -a
$ sysctl net.inet.carp
$ netstat -sp carp

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