> You've got a couple of weird things and errors on your page:
>  - You say OpenBSD doesn't support multiple consoles: ctrl+alt+f2

Yup!  Thanks.  Linux uses ALT-Fkey which I tried.  Didn't try
adding CTRL. :-/  Assumed it didn't have it, and too busy getting
everything else working to go look for it.  I've now documented it.

>  - Using the 3.7 ports tree on 3.6 is not recommended.

The only install disk I have is 3.6.  I assume that by doing an
install over the net, I get the 3.7 system - but some trace of 3.6
seems to have remained because some funny things happened later...

>  - tarring and untarring fake-i386 to install a port is just weird. 
> make install should already do that

It didn't, it gave an error and did a fake install.  It appears to
be related to the 3.6/2.7 problem.  Other packages installed cleanly.

>  - Why not install screen from a package like jove?

I'd rather forget about packages and use ports for everything, but 
I thought it was worth mentioning for newbies like myself who spent
hours looking for apt-get and yum and emerge etc etc - i.e coming from
a linux environment...

>  - sh /etc/netstart bridge0 will fire up your new bridge without rebooting.

Thanks, didn't know that.  Actually I just found out that "ifconfig bridge0
create" was the crucial missing step I didn't know.

> That's all I can think of at the moment.

Apreciate it, thanks.

PS I'm marking all these comments up in he wiki as I reply. Two more
emails pending from folks who sent similar corrections...

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