I'm working on a sniffer that will look for certain kinds of traffic
and invoke changes to the firewall in reaction to them.

You might wish to check out dfd_keeper for a framework for making
changes to pf rules, and I'm working on a python-based sniffer that
listens to an interface and invokes DFD commands in reaction.

It would not be as fast as making the changes in C, so may not be for
performance-demanding environments, but it is very flexible and some
of it is already written.

OpenBSD's pcap format is pretty cool, it saves all kinds of useful
information like what rule number the packet matched, what interface
it was on, etc.

Right now I've reviewed all of the pcap implementations, and I could
have a rudimentary sniffer running and invoking DFD commands by the
end of the weekend.

python-based sniffer that runs on OpenBSD
should be able to sniff pflog device or any other interface
should detect port knocking a la fwknop
should detect port scanning a la psad
should detect use of protocols that require port forwarding
all can be done by monitoring the WAN interface alone
should interface to dfd_keeper to trigger rule changes
ideally any module we use should exploit full features of libpcap
ideally any module we use should be OO
ideally any module we use should be written at as high a level as possible

The code is on my homepage, listed in the .sig --- look for "Dynamic
Firewall Daemon"... about 1000 lines of python.  It's really more of
an API and system than a fixed set of rules.  Also, there's an example
script in the distribution suitable for a basic NATting firewall.
http://www.lightconsulting.com/~travis/  -><-
"We already have enough fast, insecure systems." -- Schneier & Ferguson
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