On Wed, Nov 16, 2005 at 04:34:24PM +0100, Raphael GRUNDRICH wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to redirected outside traffic to internal Exchange Server
> using IMAPS protocol :
>  rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port 993 ->
>  pass in quick on $ext_if \
>         proto tcp \
>         from any to port imaps flags S/SA synproxy state
> Outlook client seem to pass the firewall but after that it hung on
> "Protection ..". Does anyone here have manage to get PF and IMAPS
> Protocol from Exchange to work  ?

I had a similar yet distinctly different situation -- I was unable to
connect from behind an OpenBSD box with pf to an external Exchange host
running IMAP.  

Things were in the same weird state.  I was not using synproxy but I was
using scrub's reassemble tcp.  When I removed reassemble tcp, things
worked like a charm.  I've been so busy since then that I have not had
a chance to debug it further, but hopefully this helps.


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