It looks that some macros has been renamed in wx 2.8RC3

        There is a patch


Zdenek Kotala wrote:
I try to compile pgadmin 1.6.1 (WX2.8rc3) with SunStudio 11 and I received following error:

"./frm/frmEditGrid.cpp", line 78: Error: Badly formed expression.

I run preprocessor on this file and it looks that EVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON( frmEditGrid::OnAuiUpdate)
macro is not expanded.

< wxGridEventFunction > ( & frmEditGrid :: OnEditorHidden ) , 0 ) ,
wxEventTableEntry ( wxEVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK , wxID_ANY , wxID_ANY , ( wxObjectEventFunction ) ( wxEventFunction ) static_cast
< wxGridEventFunction > ( & frmEditGrid :: OnLabelRightClick ) , 0 ) ,
EVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON ( frmEditGrid :: OnAuiUpdate )
wxEventTableEntry ( wxEVT_NULL , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) } ;

I use following configure setting:

./configure --prefix=/opt/pgadmin3-1.6.1 --with-wx=/opt/wxWidgegets-2.8.0/ --enable-debug --with-wx-version=2.8

    Any idea what is wrong?

            thanks Zdenek

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


diff -r -c pgadmin3-1.6.1.orig/src/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp pgadmin3-1.6.1/src/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp
*** pgadmin3-1.6.1.orig/src/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp	Thu Nov 30 11:48:30 2006
--- pgadmin3-1.6.1/src/frm/frmEditGrid.cpp	Fri Dec  8 13:41:24 2006
*** 75,81 ****
      EVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN(      frmEditGrid::OnEditorShown)
      EVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN(     frmEditGrid::OnEditorHidden)
      EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK( frmEditGrid::OnLabelRightClick)
!     EVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON(         frmEditGrid::OnAuiUpdate)
--- 75,81 ----
      EVT_GRID_EDITOR_SHOWN(      frmEditGrid::OnEditorShown)
      EVT_GRID_EDITOR_HIDDEN(     frmEditGrid::OnEditorHidden)
      EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK( frmEditGrid::OnLabelRightClick)
!     EVT_AUI_PANE_BUTTON(         frmEditGrid::OnAuiUpdate)
diff -r -c pgadmin3-1.6.1.orig/src/frm/frmQuery.cpp pgadmin3-1.6.1/src/frm/frmQuery.cpp
*** pgadmin3-1.6.1.orig/src/frm/frmQuery.cpp	Thu Nov 30 11:48:30 2006
--- pgadmin3-1.6.1/src/frm/frmQuery.cpp	Fri Dec  8 13:43:26 2006
*** 103,109 ****
      EVT_ACTIVATE(                   frmQuery::OnActivate)
      EVT_STC_MODIFIED(CTL_SQLQUERY,  frmQuery::OnChangeStc)
      EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(CTL_SQLQUERY,  frmQuery::OnPositionStc)
!     EVT_AUI_PANECLOSE(              frmQuery::OnAuiUpdate)
  frmQuery::frmQuery(frmMain *form, const wxString& _title, pgConn *_conn, const wxString& query)
--- 103,109 ----
      EVT_ACTIVATE(                   frmQuery::OnActivate)
      EVT_STC_MODIFIED(CTL_SQLQUERY,  frmQuery::OnChangeStc)
      EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(CTL_SQLQUERY,  frmQuery::OnPositionStc)
!     EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE(             frmQuery::OnAuiUpdate)
  frmQuery::frmQuery(frmMain *form, const wxString& _title, pgConn *_conn, const wxString& query)
diff -r -c pgadmin3-1.6.1.orig/src/main/events.cpp pgadmin3-1.6.1/src/main/events.cpp
*** pgadmin3-1.6.1.orig/src/main/events.cpp	Thu Nov 30 11:48:30 2006
--- pgadmin3-1.6.1/src/main/events.cpp	Fri Dec  8 13:48:01 2006
*** 71,77 ****
      EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(CTL_SQLPANE,           frmMain::OnPositionStc)
      EVT_CLOSE(                              frmMain::OnClose)
!     EVT_AUI_PANECLOSE(                      frmMain::OnAuiUpdate)
  #ifdef __WXGTK__
      EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN(CTL_BROWSER,          frmMain::OnTreeKeyDown)
--- 71,77 ----
      EVT_STC_UPDATEUI(CTL_SQLPANE,           frmMain::OnPositionStc)
      EVT_CLOSE(                              frmMain::OnClose)
!     EVT_AUI_PANE_CLOSE(                     frmMain::OnAuiUpdate)
  #ifdef __WXGTK__
      EVT_TREE_KEY_DOWN(CTL_BROWSER,          frmMain::OnTreeKeyDown)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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       subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

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