On 12-09-2014 10:50, Sebastian Webber wrote:
> <span style="font-size: 
> 12pt;">________________________________</span><br>&gt; Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 
> 09:48:53 -0300 <br>&gt; From: grandegoia...@gmail.com <br>&gt; To: 
> pgbr-geral@listas.postgresql.org.br <br>&gt; Subject: [pgbr-geral] Limite de 
> cursores <br>&gt; <br>&gt; Bom dia, estou configurando um pool de conexões 
> pelo servidor de <br>&gt; aplicações wildfly 8.1.0&nbsp;<br><br>Por 
> curiosidade, qual é a relação disso com o máximo de cursores 
> abertos?<br><br>&gt; e me deparei com a seguinte advertência na documentação: 
> <br>&gt; <br>&gt; Statement Cache Size <br>&gt; <br>&gt; The Statement Cache 
> Size attribute determines the total number of <br>&gt; prepared and callable 
> statements to cache for each connection in each <br>&gt; instance of the data 
> source. By caching statements, you can increase <br>&gt; your system 
> performance. However, you must consider how your DBMS <br>&gt; handles open 
> prepared and callable statements. In many cases, the DBMS <br>&gt; will 
> maintain a cursor fo
r each open statement. This applies to <br>&gt; prepared and callable 
statements in the statement cache. If you cache <br>&gt; too many statements, 
you may exceed the limit of open cursors on your <br>&gt; database server. 
<br><br>Será que tem relação com o 

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   Fabrízio de Royes Mello         Timbira - http://www.timbira.com.br/
   PostgreSQL: Consultoria, Desenvolvimento, Suporte 24x7 e Treinamento

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