> Interesting. So once clients connects to pgbouncer, it keeps the
> connection to clients. When a client starts a transaction, it connects
> to PostgreSQL(or pgpool in your case). When a client finishes the
> transaction, pgbouncer disconnects to PostgreSQL.

Actually, it doesn't disconnect.  It issues "RESET ALL;DISCARD ALL;" and
keeps the connection open, waiting for the next client transaction.  It
only disconnects after a connection has been idle for a preset interval
(generally 5 minutes).

> Question is, what
> does pgbouncer deal with session span data, such as temporary tables
> or datestyle set by SET command?

It doesn't.  You're specifically warned not to use these things if
you're running in Transaction mode.

                                  -- Josh Berkus
                                     PostgreSQL Experts Inc.
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