2013/8/23 Salvatore Barone <salvator.bar...@gmail.com>

>  This is the output of \d from psql. I logged in as "ssaa"
>                                   Lista delle relazioni
>  Schema |            Nome            |  Tipo   | Proprietario | Dimensione
> | Descrizione
> --------+----------------------------+---------+--------------+------------+-------------
>  public | acquisti_persona_fisica    | tabella | platinet     | 8192 bytes
> |
>  public | acquisti_persona_giuridica | tabella | platinet     | 0 bytes
> |
>  public | articolo                   | tabella | platinet     | 8192 bytes
> |
>  public | fornitore                  | tabella | platinet     | 0 bytes
> |
>  public | giacenza                   | tabella | platinet     | 0 bytes
> |
>  public | persona_fisica             | tabella | platinet     | 8192 bytes
> |
>  public | persona_giuridica          | tabella | platinet     | 8192 bytes
> |
> (7 righe)
> And this is the output of  show search_path;
>  search_path
> ----------------
>  "$user",public
> (1 riga)
If you are executing the SQL statement with "postgres" user
[Superuser],then you will see all information related to all objects
without any restrictions of the Ownership.

If you are executing the SQL Statements with "saas" user
[Non-Superuser],then you will see the table information as owner of "saas"

*Example as follows:*

craft2402=# \c craft2402 raghu

You are now connected to database "craft2402" as user "raghu".

craft2402=# select * from information_schema.columns col

where col.table_schema!='pg_catalog'and

 table_catalog | table_schema |         table_name          |
column_name        | ordinal_position |                 column_default
            | is_nullable |          data_type          | ch

aracter_maximum_length | character_octet_length | numeric_precision |
numeric_precision_radix | numeric_scale | datetime_precision |
interval_type | interval_precision | character_set_catalog | character_

set_schema | character_set_name | collation_catalog | collation_schema |
collation_name | domain_catalog | domain_schema | domain_name | udt_catalog
| udt_schema |  udt_name   | scope_catalog | scope_sche

ma | scope_name | maximum_cardinality | dtd_identifier |
is_self_referencing | is_identity | identity_generation | identity_start |
identity_increment | identity_maximum | identity_minimum | identity_cycl

e | is_generated | generation_expression | is_updatable






 craft2402     | public       | agency_for_registration     | state_code
            |                1 |
    | NO          | character varying           |

                     2 |                      8 |                   |
                  |               |                    |               |
                |                       |

           |                    |                   |                  |
            |                |               |             | craft2402   |
pg_catalog | varchar     |               |

   |            |                     | 1              | NO
  | NO          |                     |                |
|                  |                  |

  | NEVER        |                       | YES

craft2402=> \du

                             List of roles

 Role name |                   Attributes                   | Member of


 postgres  | Superuser, Create role, Create DB, Replication | {}

 raghu     | Superuser                                      | {}

 saas      |                                                | {}

craft2402=> \c craft2402 saas
You are now connected to database "craft2402" as user "saas".
craft2402=> create table test (id int);
craft2402=> analyze test;
craft2402=> select * from information_schema.columns col
where col.table_schema!='pg_catalog'and
 table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | column_name | ordinal_position
| column_default | is_nullable | data_type | character_maximum_length |
character_octet_length | numeric_precision | numeric_pre
cision_radix | numeric_scale | datetime_precision | interval_type |
interval_precision | character_set_catalog | character_set_schema |
character_set_name | collation_catalog | collation_schema | collatio
n_name | domain_catalog | domain_schema | domain_name | udt_catalog |
udt_schema | udt_name | scope_catalog | scope_schema | scope_name |
maximum_cardinality | dtd_identifier | is_self_referencing | is_id
entity | identity_generation | identity_start | identity_increment |
identity_maximum | identity_minimum | identity_cycle | is_generated |
generation_expression | is_updatable
 craft2402     | public       | test       | id          |                1
|                | YES         | integer   |                          |
                   |                32 |
           2 |             0 |                    |               |
           |                       |                      |
   |                   |                  |
       |                |               |             | craft2402   |
pg_catalog | int4     |               |              |            |
            | 1              | NO                  | NO
       |                     |                |                    |
           |                  |                | NEVER        |
          | YES
(1 row)

Thanks & Regards
Raghu Ram

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